Wednesday, November 16, 2005

What brought me to searching the internet - part 2

Continued from Tuesday…

As I said, I thought it would be apathy that closed the church. Like I’ve often said “I’ve lived a sheltered life!” I never, in my wildest dreams, thought I’d see what we’re seeing in the church today… but I was getting ahead of myself…

After I wrote that poem, I gave it to our pastor and challenged her to print it in the bulletin. She let me know right quick that the DS wouldn’t like it! It was very obvious, that she was afraid of her “boss.” She often said, “Oh, I personally agree with you, but that is not the “official” Church stance, so I can’t say that…”

(Oh, if only I could have seen this as a prophecy of the future!)

I decided that the only thing I could do was pray - and pray I did! I began a concerted, dedicated, daily prayer effort praying for God to send us a “man of God.” Now, let me hasten to say that I didn’t care if it was a man or a woman “gender-wise,” what I was praying for was a Biblical type of “man of God” who would stand, regardless of what the hierarchy said or did. (Paul comes to mind…)

In June of the next year (1993) God answered my prayer; well at least this man “looked” the part anyway. (Looked like an “Old Testament Prophet!”) I would soon find out if he “fit” the part, as well!

The pastor we received that year was “different.” He was about my age (early 40s - which meant he grew up in the 60’s - hmmm…) He was tall with long grey hair, a full beard, and an earring… (I knew he was a “cool guy” when the DS asked him about moving expenses and he said, “Don’t worry about it, I’ve got a pickup truck…)

Even though he was in his 40s he was a “student-pastor” as he was attending UT working on his Masters and later Doctorate in history. (I found out later that he was much more experienced as a pastor than I knew - having served in an independent Methodist church as not only a pastor, but a DS, as well!)

As an “old hippie” myself, I could easily relate to him, but what would the people say? Long story - short - they fell in love with him. Oh, some weren’t too happy about some things, but man, could this guy teach the Word of God! I didn’t realize how hungry I’d been for so long. We had “food” that I didn’t even know existed! And he remained our pastor for nearly 10 years. (Un-heard of in our Church!)

Our boys grew up knowing that one didn’t have to “look like a pastor” to be a very effective teacher/preacher. For that, and a hundred other things, I am eternally thankful.

But (you knew there was going to be a “but” didn’t you?) But, “preachers” are not perfect people and he made some bad choices. At the time they seemed like very good and noble choices. And, I’m not so sure that if he had it to do over again he’d choose differently - but that’s not my call to make. We (my husband and I) supported him then and we still support him today as he is our best friend (although, we’d really like to see him preaching somewhere today… hint, hint, hint…)

The bottom line is, he was forced to resign or face the “firing squad”, er I mean, the Board of Ordained Ministry. And he chose to resign. True, this “simplifies” the story dramatically, but ultimately, this is what happened. And I again, was hungry…

To be continued… next up “Food!”


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